Health, Wellness

WalkerHughes Insurance Helps You 'Beat the Heat'

7/18/2019 | Stephanie Marsh

Tips for Summer Safety

Summer is synonymous with outdoor activities; sporting events, pool parties, cook-outs, the list goes on! Here at WalkerHughes Insurance, we love enjoying the great outdoors!! Our insurance professionals can often be found soaking up the sun with their friends and family, spending time with their clients on the golf course, or hosting cookouts and other events within their community and local offices! But extreme summer temperatures in the Midwest can not only become uncomfortable, they can also be very dangerous for your health if proper precautions aren’t taken and warning signs aren’t recognized. We wanted to take this opportunity to share some information regarding heat related illnesses and tips for prevention to keep you and your loved ones safe this summer scorcher!!

Heat Exhaustion

Heat exhaustion occurs when the body is not able to sweat enough to cool itself. Symptoms of heat exhaustion include:

  • Dizziness, weakness, nausea, headache and vomiting
  • Blurry vision
  • Body temperature of 101*F
  • Sweaty skin
  • Feeling hot and thirsty
  • Having difficulty speaking

When someone is suffering from heat exhaustion, it is recommended they move into a cooler place and drink plenty of water immediately.

Heat Stroke

Heat stroke is the result of untreated heat exhaustion and includes the following symptoms:

  • Sweating
  • Unawareness of heat and thirst
  • Body temperature rises rapidly above 101*F
  • Confusion or delirium
  • Loss of consciousness
  • Seizure

When someone is suffering from heat stroke, medical personnel should be called immediately, as the condition is life-threatening. Place icepacks on the person’s armpits and groin until help arrives.

Healthy Hints

To avoid heat illnesses in summer temperatures, remember to drink lots of water – even if you are not yet thirsty. Make sure you are dressed appropriately to embark on your outdoor activities, wear light-colored, lightweight clothing made of natural fibers and put on a well-ventilated hat. Complete your outdoor chores and errands in the early morning or evening when temperatures are cooler, and the sun is less intense. And always remember, your local WalkerHughes Insurance office loves visitors! If you are looking for an activity to stay cool, you are always welcome to drop by an office near you!